A Walk in Nizza

Exploring history, food, and culture between the Belbo river and the vineyard hills of Monferrato


davideMy friends call me Dave. I was born in Turin (Torino) in 1967 and I studied science.
I did a number of odd-jobs, from used cars salesman to tarot reader, from web-designer to scarecrow. In the meantime, I got me a degree and a Ph.D. in Geology – I’m a micropaleontologist and a stratigrapher, specialist in environmental data analysis, and I did my Ph.D. research on renewable energies. I also hold a master in science journalism.
I was a researcher, I taught in university, I lived in London and elsewhere.
I wrote fiction and non-fiction books, both in Italian and English.
In 2009 I moved to Castelnuovo Belbo, a small community in the southern hills of Piedmont – land of wine and truffles.

This is a harsh country, a place of great beauty, with a long history and deeply-felt traditions, in more than one way a place that is suspended between past and present.

alex1The reason for the move was to cut expenses in the incoming crisis and look after my father’s rapidly failing health, with the help of my brother Alex, that came to stay with us in 2013.
Alex (born in Turin in 1973) has been a musician and event manager for over a decade, and he was the manager of an online radio station until the national regulations changed, and they had to shut down. He also holds a proficiency certificate in Japanese and a Google Excellency certification.

Now our father is no longer with us, and with my brother we live here, trying to make ends meet.
When we have some spare time, we take a walk in Nizza, between the Belbo river and the hills. And we thought we might share what we do.

It will take a while, setting up this blog of ours. But then we think we might have fun.






